Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline
* Gerald Oskoboiny <gerald@impressive.net> [2001-09-11 04:35-0400]
> sample individual photo on a nice HTML page:
> There's still lots more work needed, but at least it's mostly usable now.
> I also made a page to keep track of related stuff:
> Photo metadata software/notes
Very, very cool.
However, could you please make a "Captivate for dummies" page. I guess
that I could figure it out with some investigation, but I am not sure
when and how you generate the thumbnails, on what you run captivate,
I saw:
You should put some default values in /home/hugo/.captivate.rdf.
You should pause for a few seconds here, because I would never have
seen those messages if I hadn't piped the whole output into a file.
Also, I got a bunch of "Use of uninitialized values" but I can't
reproduce that apparently.
Here is what I currently do:
1. Put my pictures in a directory, named HH_MM_SS.jpg.
2. Make thumbnails, generating HH_MM_SS-sm.jpg, by running:
make_thumbnails *.jpg
3. Generate an index page: make_image_index *sm.jpg > my_index.html
4. Edit this page: vi my_index.html
make_thumbnails is the script you wrote on 11 January 1999.
make_image_index is a slightly improved and customized version of your
original version of 11 January 1999. I am attaching them both for
archival purposes.
How do you put a set of pictures online? If you rotate a picture, are
you not losing the EXIF information? If so, can your script handle
Finally, a remark: RDF documents on impressive.net are served as
Hugo Haas <hugo@larve.net> -
Kids, just because I don't care doesn't mean I'm not listening. --
Homer J. Simpson
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=make_thumbnails
# make_thumbnails: create a thumbnail version of each image named in @ARGV
# Gerald Oskoboiny, 7 Feb 1999
# $Id$
$thumb_suffix = "-sm";
$border_size = 1;
$total_height = 128;
$thumb_height = $thumb_total_height - ( 2 * $bordersize );
$convert = "convert";
$convert_opts =
"-bordercolor '#000' -border ${border_size}x${border_size} -dither ";
foreach $file (@ARGV) {
if ( ! -r $file ) {
print STDERR "Can't read $file! skipping it...\n";
$thumb_name = $file;
$thumb_name =~ s/\./${thumb_suffix}./;
if ( -f $thumb_name ) {
print STDERR "Thumbnail $thumb_name already exists! skipping it...\n";
system "$convert -geometry x$total_height $convert_opts $file $thumb_name";
print "Done $file\n";
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=make_image_index
# make_image_index: make a foo.html page with a bunch of inline
# images on it.
# usage: make_image_index *.jpg > index.html
# Gerald Oskoboiny, 11 Jan 1999
# Modified by Hugo Haas
# $Id$
echo $@ | fmt -1 | sed 's/.*/<a href="&"><img src="&" alt="&"><\/a>/; s/-sm//; s/alt="[^"]*\(..\)_\(..\)_\(..\)-sm.jpg"/alt="\1:\2:\3"/;' > mii.$$
wwwis mii.$$ > mii.$$.wwwis
cat <<EOHD
<html lang="en">
<title>Photos: @@</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/stylesheets/pictures">
cat mii.$$
cat <<EOHD
<em><small>Last modified: \$Date\$<br>
Copyright © `date +%Y` <a href="/people/hugo/">Hugo Haas</a>, <<a
See my <a href="/people/hugo/pictures/public">public picture page</a>.<br>
See my <a href="/people/hugo/pictures/">picture page</a> (restricted).</small></em>
cat mii.$$.wwwis >&2
rm mii.$$ mii.$$.old mii.$$.wwwis