Photo metadata software/notes

by Gerald Oskoboiny

I am writing some software to help me manage my online photo collection; in particular, to make it more accessible, searchable, navigable, etc. I am using this page to keep track of related stuff (e.g., sample galleries/pages, software, metadata, documentation, my work, misc other stuff.)

Sample photo pages/galleries

To steal ideas from...


Sample metadata


Notes on related stuff I have done


See the changelog within the captivate script for info on more recent updates.


Misc other notes

Misc unresolved issues to discuss on www-rdf-interest or somewhere (review notes from chat with em first):

Very early rough notes, probably redundant now:

necessary components of photo page:

    short description (title?)
    longer description
    size (nn k)
    camera info (linked)
    link(s) to other version(s)

other optional info:

    link(s) to collection(s)
    exposure, iso, flash, metering mode, ... info

misc notes:
    - when extracting photos, add a minimal comment to the jpeg
      immediately after extraction using photopc (before adding to
      cvs), including: copyright, and uri of the image?
    - script to RDF->HTML: call it decapitate? doesn't really
      fit, but that's a cool name. (captivate/decapitate)


The proposed DIG2000 [DIG2000] file format for the (also proposed) JPEG2000
[JPEG2000] image compression algorithm contains an XML-based metadata block
with entries for people, places, events, GPS location, camera type, etc. It
allows extensions with additional entries. The draft of October 1998 doesn't
use RDF.

Digital Imaging Group. DIG2000 file format
proposal. Oct 1998. Report (draft) ISO/IEC
JTC1/SG29/WG1 N1017. URL: 

Joint Photographers Expert Group (JPEG). Jpeg 2000 image coding system. 9 Dec 1999.
Report (final committee draft) ISO/IEC CD15444-1:1999. URL: 

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Gerald Oskoboiny, <>