Photos, Usa

by Gerald Oskoboiny

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Pictures taken in Usa:

Photo: Barry Shein, CEO, The World

Barry Shein, CEO, The World

Photo: Miley Cyrus at The Ivy

Miley Cyrus at The Ivy

Photo: Kiholo Bay

Kiholo Bay

Photo: Crab


Photo: Reef


Photo: Divers and reef

Divers and reef

Photo: Venus Pool

Venus Pool

Photo: Gerald jumping

Gerald jumping

Photo: Jason Rennie, MIT AI Lab

Jason Rennie, MIT AI Lab

Photo: Joshua Goodman, Microsoft Research

Joshua Goodman, Microsoft Research

Photo: Caleb Followill

Caleb Followill

Photo: Caleb Followill

Caleb Followill

Photo: Hawaiian kids

Hawaiian kids

Photo: Paul Graham, Arc Project

Paul Graham, Arc Project

Photo: Divers


Photo: Beth riding

Beth riding

Photo: Michael Salib, MIT

Michael Salib, MIT

Photo: Ahalanui


Photo: Nudibranch


Photo: Gerald jumping

Gerald jumping

Photo: David Berlind, CNET

David Berlind, CNET

Photo: Hala fruit

Hala fruit

Photo: Queen's Bath

Queen's Bath

Photo: Singletrack


Photo: Group and lava

Group and lava

Photo: View


Photo: Chairlift


Photo: Little dude

Little dude

Photo: Kiholo Bay

Kiholo Bay

Photo: Bike trail

Bike trail

Photo: Ken Schneider, Brightmail

Ken Schneider, Brightmail

Photo: Caleb Followill

Caleb Followill

Photo: Caleb Followill

Caleb Followill

Photo: Matt Sergeant, MessageLabs

Matt Sergeant, MessageLabs

Photo: Street merchants

Street merchants

Photo: Bill Yerazunis, MERL

Bill Yerazunis, MERL

Photo: Spotted fish

Spotted fish

Photo: Fish and coral

Fish and coral

Photo: Sea urchin

Sea urchin

Photo: Flatworm?


Photo: Yellow fish

Yellow fish

Photo: Bad picture

Bad picture

Photo: Ger boarding

Ger boarding

Photo: Gerald


Photo: Stephen


Photo: Kings of Leon

Kings of Leon

Photo: Kings of Leon

Kings of Leon

Photo: US Capitol Building

US Capitol Building

Jump directly to page: 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 · 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20 · 21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25

These photos were chosen at random from my photo collection, selected from the set of photos that are publicly visible and have been labelled with location info.

The following sets include photos taken in Usa:

If this page seems strange or incomplete, it's probably because I haven't gotten around to categorizing most of my photos yet. (as of Feb 2007, less than a third of my photos have been tagged with location info.)

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