Re: Linux use start date (was Re: the Internet Archive Wayback Machine)



On Thursday 18 October 2001 11:14, Gerald Oskoboiny wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 07:39:16AM -0400, Hugo Haas wrote:
> > * Gerald Oskoboiny <> [2001-10-18 01:50-0400]
> > A long time ago, I added myself[3] to the Linux counter[4]. I started
> > with Slackware in February 1996, to quickly move to Debian in August.
> > Life has never been the same since. ;-)

Ah, you newbies! <grin/> I first used linux back in 93/94 when my friend
Kevin (on the same floor in our dorm) installed it on his PC. It was sweet
because we could have one tty for emacs, and the other for the compiler,
and we didn't have to use the crappy vt100 terminals in the lounge, or go
all the way to CS to use the nice X boxes (HP9000s or SGIs). Before the
winter break I created my pile of ~42 floppies and my brother and I
installed it at home over the break, though we never could get the video
driver to work without giving us (literal) headaches.

That's also the time I got serious RSI and had to back off geeking all
together, and only eased back in very timidly by writing policy papers in
Word on my Win95 box (which was much less tempting to tweak, just had to
limit myself to email and Word).

Joseph Reagle     E0 D5 B2 05 B6 12 DA 65  BE 4D E3 C1 6A 66 25 4E

* This email is from an independent academic account and is
 not necessarily representative of my affiliations.

Re: Linux use start date (was Re: the Internet Archive Wayback Machine)


  • None.


Joseph Reagle wrote:
> On Thursday 18 October 2001 11:14, Gerald Oskoboiny wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 07:39:16AM -0400, Hugo Haas wrote:
> > > * Gerald Oskoboiny <> [2001-10-18 01:50-0400]
> > > A long time ago, I added myself[3] to the Linux counter[4]. I started
> > > with Slackware in February 1996, to quickly move to Debian in August.
> > > Life has never been the same since. ;-)
> Ah, you newbies! <grin/> I first used linux back in 93/94 when my friend
> Kevin (on the same floor in our dorm) installed it on his PC.

I, too, started with Slackware in 1994. I had just moved back from
France to the US. In France, I had been working with Sparc stations
at INRIA, and I wanted to stick with Unix. I had something like v 0.9
of slackware, which I installed with no assistance on a Zeos desktop.

Years later, I migrated to RedHat on advice from various people at W3C.
Later, I migrated to Debian on advice from those same people.

Leave me alone. :)

_ Ian

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

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