Lonely Planet knockoffs

Lonely Planet knockoffs

Sizes: Small (400x300) | Medium (640x480) | Large (3888x2592) (Password protected/$)

Title Lonely Planet knockoffs
Description Ladies walk around the backpacker areas with stacks of photocopied books (prices are around $5-8 I think)
Coverage Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Date 2007-01-11T10:29:37Z
Creator http://impressive.net/people/gerald/
ExposureTime 1/40
FNumber 56/10
Camera Canon Digital Rebel XTi
Keywords around, city, chi, minh, vietnam, saigon, photocopied, knockoffs, ladies, lonely, think, planet, prices, areas, backpacker, books, stacks
Rights Copyright 2007 Gerald Oskoboiny (License / buy print)