layered tech rocks (was Re: mr-burns ->


  • None.


(almost) two years ago I wrote:

* Gerald Oskoboiny <[email protected]> [2005-09-30 17:15-0400] in[email protected]

>So, this week I signed up for a basic server at

Can I just say how pleased I am with both Layered Tech and Debian

This system has been in continuous operation for 725 days now,
since the day I got it. I haven't had a single network outage or
any other incident in the last two years. That's quality hosting!

The Debian stable OS autoupgrades itself daily, and never breaks
anything. I spend maybe an hour a year maintaining this system.

It's not idle, either -- it averages about 100k web hits/day, up
to 400k one day when one of my photos ended up on the front page

I rebooted it just now after 725 days of uptime and was nervous
that it might not come back due to all the software that had been
updated in the past couple years, but sure enough it was back a
few minutes later.

I was looking forward to hitting two years of uptime on Sep 30,
but the other day layered tech emailed me to notify me they'd be
rebooting this system some time tomorrow to add hardware that
will allow me to power cycle this system remotely (not that I'll
ever need it ;)

All this with real root access on dedicated hardware for
$60/month. Wow.

These guys would really have to screw something up at this point
to lose my business. I keep wishing I had more hosting needs just
so I could order a few more servers from them.

Gerald Oskoboiny <[email protected]>

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