Tyson, Gerald, Tristen

Tyson, Gerald, Tristen

Sizes: Small (400x300) | Medium (640x480) | Large (3888x2592) (Password protected/$)

Title Tyson, Gerald, Tristen
Description Tyson, Gerald, and Tristen posing in front of the helicopter
Coverage Golden, BC, Canada
Date 2008-01-06T17:35:30Z
Creator http://impressive.net/people/gerald/
ExposureTime 1/160
FNumber 56/10
Camera Canon Digital Rebel XTi
Subject backcountry, alpine, ski touring, fairy meadows
Keywords backcountry, gerald, tristen, tyson, helicopter, front, golden, fairy, alpine, touring, posing, canada, meadows
Rights Copyright 2008 Gerald Oskoboiny (License / buy print)