Photo metadata software/notes
by Gerald Oskoboiny
I am writing some software to help me manage my online photo collection; in
particular, to make it more accessible, searchable, navigable,
etc. I am using this page to keep track of related stuff (e.g., sample galleries/pages, software, metadata, documentation, my work, misc other stuff.)
To steal ideas from...
well-evolved, feature-full galleries, forums, ratings, etc.; sample
photo; cool feature: view
folder as text
- another general-use
photo gallery site, very nicely done
- picpix: uses fotobilder,
written by the creator/maintainer? of livejournal
- sample
photo page from Karl, lots of metadata
- nice
gallery of NYC pics, I like the nav links on the left and small
inline pic on the right; maybe do something similar but use
short descs instead of numbers? Also, "preload" feature is
- Time's
photo essays have a similar style of navigation, works well
- AliaTerra Camel
Festival: another nice navigation style, my current favorite, I think
- misc other photo/gallery styles to steal ideas from: diveintomark, yahoo, kungfugrippe
- using RDF:
- non-RDF but useful/interesting anyway:
- libexif,
gexif, exif: gexif is a general EXIF photo metadata editor, and
exif is an EXIF dumper. This stuff is much, much better than
most exif-handling software I have seen (listed below).
- metacam:
self-contained app that reads and displays exif info
- makethumbs seems
quite nice; fairly mature, but still quite simple; also has notes on exif
- Eric Johnston's photoweb and exiftags
- AutoScrapbook
- Apache::Album
- album seems
fairly mature, has themes, doesn't seem to do much/anything with
- Apache::Gallery has nice output
- photopc/epinfo: photopc for
extracting photos from a camera or media card and epinfo for
playing with exif-embedded metadata
python script that does the same thing as epinfo (slightly
different format, but identical content)
- jhead: Exif
Jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover (ouch,
that sounds painful!)
- jhead-xml:
a patch to jhead to output XML (this page also has links to
interesting related stuff)
- jpegtran for
lossless rotation of jpegs
- Gallery seems
like a good software package for maintaining photo collections
(written in PHP)
- David R.
Martin's software includes an albuminfo
file similar to how captivate works (also similar to philg's stuff from
years ago)
- iGal seems nice;
easy to use, up to date, similar approach to mine, though not quite as
- wwwis for adding
height/width attrs to HTML pages
- Linux
Journal discussion of misc gallery software
- imagemagick
tips incl faster
jpeg resizing
- commercial/windows software:
- Pixlabs has digital
photo metadata editing and HTML gallery generation software, looks
fairly good
See the changelog within the captivate script for
info on more recent updates.
- add --get and --set, e.g.
--set dc:coverage "Honolulu, Hawaii";
also accept settings on stdin
- add link elements to each page, to take advantage of prefetching
in mozilla, etc.
- fix bug: "captivate 27/*" no worky (bogus relative hrefs in HTML files)
- take care of @@'d stuff in captivate
- add an output mode where a single image is big and rolling over the
others displays them in the big image spot? (using onmouseover)
- use CSS
for captions
- add style to the RDF so galeon et al. will display it nicely
(samples: W3C RSS feed, Zakim teleconf data)
- add dc:coverage to photo page titles? and maybe yyyy-mm?
- instead of storing cameraShortName in .captivate.rdf, deref the
camera URI and get it from there (and keep a local cache of that page?
or just rely on whatever http proxy/cache is already there?)
- add option to generate indexes in a few different formats, selected
by command line and/or .captivate.rdf
- make captivate more usable (cf. hugo's
- create $HOME/.captivate.rdf if it doesn't exist
- store user prefs in .captivate.rdf (incl (pointers to?) HTML
headers, footers, templates?)
- add option to regenerate RDF and/or HTML without editing
captions (kinda done; can use "--noshow" and "--noedit" parameters)
- add feature to generate galleries with links to
individual pages (in misc formats? or several formats?)
- add a <link rel=meta> to each generated HTML page pointing to
the RDF behind it
- add a _got a better caption?_ link to each photo page
(mailto for now, form later)
- add access control metadata somewhere, make that part of
the captivating process
- add the ability to delete a photo (and variants) while captivating
- store metadata on photo variants somewhere?
- include height/width tags in generated HTML
- figure out how to manage the relationship between galleries
and individual photos (and make links between them)
- figure out how to delegate most of the work (captioning,
rating, access control?) to friends and other users of the site
- set up something that lets anyone publish photos on my site?
(a la yahoo, msn photo stuff.) Hmm... probably would be too much of a
pain due to people putting up porn sites etc. Might be fun/interesting to
figure out solutions to that though (figure out how to delegate abuse
control to end users, or set up automated monitoring, e.g. if a certain
photo exceeds a certain number of downloads/hour, shut down the whole
- Yahoo photos has a "order prints" feature... should figure out how to
set up something like that
Misc unresolved issues to discuss on www-rdf-interest or somewhere
(review notes from chat with em first):
- some metadata is generic (refers to each variant of the image), but
some refers to one specific version (e.g. exif:ExifImageWidth refers only
to the original.) How to represent that in RDF?
- what's the diff between xmlns URIs ending in hashes and not?
Should other URIs used in RDF end with a hash as well? (e.g., t:camera)
Very early rough notes, probably redundant now:
necessary components of photo page:
short description (title?)
longer description
size (nn k)
camera info (linked)
link(s) to other version(s)
other optional info:
link(s) to collection(s)
exposure, iso, flash, metering mode, ... info
misc notes:
- when extracting photos, add a minimal comment to the jpeg
immediately after extraction using photopc (before adding to
cvs), including: copyright, and uri of the image?
- script to RDF->HTML: call it decapitate? doesn't really
fit, but that's a cool name. (captivate/decapitate)
The proposed DIG2000 [DIG2000] file format for the (also proposed) JPEG2000
[JPEG2000] image compression algorithm contains an XML-based metadata block
with entries for people, places, events, GPS location, camera type, etc. It
allows extensions with additional entries. The draft of October 1998 doesn't
use RDF.
Digital Imaging Group. DIG2000 file format
proposal. Oct 1998. Report (draft) ISO/IEC
JTC1/SG29/WG1 N1017. URL:
Joint Photographers Expert Group (JPEG). Jpeg 2000 image coding system. 9 Dec 1999.
Report (final committee draft) ISO/IEC CD15444-1:1999. URL:
Last modified: $Date: 2007/06/14 16:41:40 $
Gerald Oskoboiny, <>