Re: automated backups of my computer


  • None.


>rsync would be much more efficient if I wasn't using mboxes [2]

rsync version 2.4.6 is a _significant_ improvement over earlier
versions, Red Hat and Debian packages from base install are the older,
less efficient (even buggy on large number of files).  I haven't
looked for packages of this version, but the build is simple enough
and you would want it on all machines involved.  You (Gerald only, not
necessarily the plural you) can get the binary off of tux.  Source can
be found at [4].

I took a quick look at your script [1] and suggest taking off the z
compress flag as unneeded since you're going through a compressed
tunnel, ssh and are just adding overhead (relaying advise given to me
a while back by Daniel Veillard former coworker and someone who
contributed to latest rsync).

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