Canon PowerShot G2 digital camera

by Gerald Oskoboiny

This page has information about my Canon G2 digital camera, purchased in Dec 2001. This is an excellent camera: features, usability, quality of output, and battery life are all fantastic. Sample photos:

Photo: Sunscape beach Photo: Lonely palm tree Photo: Lifeguard chair Photo: People and sunset Photo: Tables and gondolas Photo: Colosseum at night Photo: Gondolas Photo: Ruined columns

I paid $1300 CAD+tax (about $890 USD total) which was a bit on the expensive side for a point and shoot digital camera at the time. I bought a 192M CompactFlash memory card for another $100 CAD (it was half price with purchase of the camera.)

The G2 is a little bigger and heavier than I wanted (I had been drooling over the tiny Canon Elphs for a while before getting this one), so I eventually broke down and bought a Canon S200 as well. :) But the S200 almost always takes a back seat to my G2; I wanted the S200 mainly for going out at night, and certain sports when I don't want to have a big camera with me.

Various related links:

Technical specifications:

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